IObjectPoolusing System;////// Simple ObjectPool Interface/// ///public interface IObjectPool : IDisposable{ #region Properties /// /// Minimum enabled object count /// int MinObjCount { get; } ////// Maximum enabled object count /// int MaxObjCount { get; } ////// Current enabled object count /// int CurrentObjCount { get; } #endregion #region Methods ////// Gets an item from the pool. /// ///The removed or created item. ///If the pool is empty, a new item will be created and returned. T GetObject(); ////// Adds the provided item into the pool. /// /// The item to be added. void PutObject(T item); #endregion}
ObjectPoolusing System;using System.Collections.Concurrent;public class ObjectPool: IObjectPool where T : new(){ #region 字段 private readonly IProducerConsumerCollection collection; private int _minObjCount = 0; private int _maxObjCount = 0; #endregion #region 构造函数 public ObjectPool() : this(1, 8) { } public ObjectPool(int minObjCount, int maxObjCount) { if (minObjCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("minObjCount cannot be less than zero"); } if (maxObjCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("maxObjCount cannot be less than zero"); } if (maxObjCount < minObjCount) { throw new ArgumentException("maxObjCount cannot be less than minObjCount"); } this._minObjCount = minObjCount; this._maxObjCount = maxObjCount; collection = new ConcurrentQueue (); var objCount = (minObjCount + maxObjCount) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++) //初始化的对象个数取折中方案 { var item = new T(); collection.TryAdd(item); } } #endregion #region 属性 public int MinObjCount { get { return _minObjCount; } } public int MaxObjCount { get { return _maxObjCount; } } public int CurrentObjCount { get { if (collection != null) { return collection.Count; } return 0; } } #endregion #region 方法 public T GetObject() { T item = default(T); var isOK = collection.TryTake(out item); //如取出对象为空 此处采用悲观对象分配方案,直接创建一个新对象,保证有对象可用 if (item == null || isOK == false) { item = new T(); this.PutObject(item); //新创建的对象放入容器中 Console.WriteLine("新创建的对象放入容器中"); } return item; } public void PutObject(T item) { if (item == null) { return; } collection.TryAdd(item); //TryTrimToMax(); //清除大于队列最大可用的项 } public void Dispose() { } #endregion #region 辅助方法 /// /// 清除大于队列最大可用的项 /// private void TryTrimToMax() { while (this.collection.Count > this.MaxObjCount) { var item = default(T); this.collection.TryTake(out item); Console.WriteLine("清除了大于队列最大可用的项"); } } #endregion}
ObjectPoolusing System;using System.Collections.Concurrent;public class ObjectPool: IObjectPool { #region 字段 private readonly IProducerConsumerCollection collection; private readonly Func _generator; private int _minObjCount = 0; private int _maxObjCount = 0; #endregion #region 构造函数 public ObjectPool(Func generator) : this(generator, 1, 8) { } public ObjectPool(Func generator, int minObjCount, int maxObjCount) { if (generator == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("generator cannot be null"); } if (minObjCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("minObjCount cannot be less than zero"); } if (maxObjCount < 1) { throw new ArgumentException("maxObjCount cannot be less than zero"); } if (maxObjCount < minObjCount) { throw new ArgumentException("maxObjCount cannot be less than minObjCount"); } this._generator = generator; this._minObjCount = minObjCount; this._maxObjCount = maxObjCount; collection = new ConcurrentQueue (); var objCount = (minObjCount + maxObjCount) / 2; for (int i = 0; i < objCount; i++) //初始化的对象个数取折中方案 { var item = _generator(); collection.TryAdd(item); } } #endregion #region 属性 public int MinObjCount { get { return _minObjCount; } } public int MaxObjCount { get { return _maxObjCount; } } public int CurrentObjCount { get { if (collection != null) { return collection.Count; } return 0; } } #endregion #region 方法 public T GetObject() { T item = default(T); var isOK = collection.TryTake(out item); //如取出对象为空 此处采用悲观对象分配方案,直接创建一个新对象,保证有对象可用 if (item == null || isOK == false) { item = _generator(); this.PutObject(item); //新创建的对象放入容器中 Console.WriteLine("新创建的对象放入容器中"); } return item; } public void PutObject(T item) { if (item == null) { return; } collection.TryAdd(item); //TryTrimToMax(); //清除大于队列最大可用的项 } public void Dispose() { } #endregion #region 辅助方法 /// /// 清除大于队列最大可用的项 /// private void TryTrimToMax() { while (this.collection.Count > this.MaxObjCount) { var item = default(T); this.collection.TryTake(out item); Console.WriteLine("清除了大于队列最大可用的项"); } } #endregion}
ObjectPoolTestusing System;using System.Threading;using System.Threading.Tasks;class UserService{ public void CheckUser(int i) { //Console.WriteLine("check user:{0}", i); Thread.Sleep(1); }}public class Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { TestObjectPool(); for (int a = 0; a < 10; a++) { Console.WriteLine("测试:{0}", a + 1); TestObjectPool(); } Console.Read(); } static void TestObjectPool() { var recordCount = 10000; using (var pool = new ObjectPool(() => { return new UserService(); }, 1, 16)) //using (var pool = new ObjectPool (() => { return new UserService(); }, 1, 128)) { Console.WriteLine("Init:current obj count:{0}", pool.CurrentObjCount); Parallel.For(0, recordCount, i => { var service = pool.GetObject(); service.CheckUser(i); Thread.Sleep(2); pool.PutObject(service); }); Console.WriteLine("current obj count:{0}", pool.CurrentObjCount); Console.WriteLine("min obj count:{0}", pool.MinObjCount); Console.WriteLine("max obj count:{0}", pool.MaxObjCount); Console.WriteLine("===================="); } }}